Sunday, January 6, 2008

.you are more important than sleep anyways.

Truly, your voice is quite possibly the best thing to wake up to.

Tonight, when I heard you, pulling me out of my sleep, I was thrilled to hear your voice again. Nothing could keep me away from listening to you tonight.

My day really won't seem complete if you haven't told me seems like a wasted day if I haven't heard your adorable Jersey accent pouring through the phone lines.

Sure, I miss you more and more with each word, but it's a price I'm willing to pay...just hearing you makes my heart flutter and makes me smile bigger than I ever have before.

My mother teases me for being so lovestruck by you, but I don't mind...for who better to be so head over heels for? You are everything I've ever wanted, and I'll never tire of telling you just how absolutely amazing I think you are.

Because, really, you are amazing.

Every part of you sings of your love for our Heavenly Father, and I wouldn't have it any other way, my darling...everything you are is a constant testament to your love for Him.

I feel blessed to be able to call you my own. May I always call you mine...I know I would be the luckiest girl if I could for all time.


because_I_adore_you said...
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because_I_adore_you said...

Darling if I could tell you goodnight for the rest of your life you know it'd be the most special thing that could ever happen to me... :]

You know, you're just so very special to me..really!! I treasure you so much, I hope I can do that too for the rest of my life, with my whole heart