Saturday, January 5, 2008

.my heart is yours.

Each time I hear your voice, my heart feels full to the point of bursting with such happiness.

Never before have I been attached to someone who inspires such a wonderful reaction in my heart.

Truly, you make me smile from the deepest parts of me...I feel your warmth and care down to my very toes when you call me your darling.

I want to always be your darling because you are, quite simply put, the one for me...there absolutely cannot be someone else out there that is so perfectly suited to all my little quirks and funny habits.

I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not when I talk to you...I know you'll love everything I say, despite my shortcomings from time to time. You laugh when I tell you pointless stories, and gosh, that is so wonderful because I sure do tell them a lot!

Basically, what I'm trying to say is...well...I am in love with all the little things you do for me. It's so much more than just loving that, but I think you know where I'm going with it.

I miss you more and more each day, but thirteen days...well...thirteen isn't an unlucky number to me, especially since you're involved now.

I never want to lose you...please, stay by my side always, my darling.


because_I_adore_you said...
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because_I_adore_you said...

aw...i love your voice so so much too, every time I talk to you, it's always just so very very special to me

Know I'm never, ever going to leave you sweetie -- I want to be yours, for forever...because you are the truly the most beautiful thing to ever happen to me, and I love.... :]