Saturday, January 19, 2008

.never change for us at all.

It was so very cold today...

Driving home left me time to think...and as usual, my thoughts wandered to us.

Today was the day that should have been ours together...but fate intervened and told us to wait a little while longer.

I can bear that, but I cannot deny the difficulty of today, knowing that I could have been driving in exactly the opposite direction to fetch you from the airport.

I instead satisfied myself with your CD, knowing that those ten songs you chose would make my heart sing almost as well as your voice and your presence does.

Hearing the words "you are so beautiful to me" still makes my heart clench up in my chest with pure joy...knowing that you really do think that of me brings an undeniably blissful smile to my face.

Knowing that you will always be "the greatest fan" of my life also seemed very apparently wonderful today to me...and you must know that I will do the same for you...for I am already your number one fan.

And, oh, the final song...

It reassured me that, no matter the distance, no matter if we're separated right now, one thing will always be

We don't know when we'll be able to see each other again, and we don't know how...but our love will never change for us at all. I know this to be true, my love...I know it.


because_I_adore_you said...

It's just so very true my matter the distance, no matter the time, I'm going to be there for you, as yours...I love you so very much my beautiful, beautiful katie
