Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I'm doing everything for you...I simply adore you, so I plan on spending the rest of my life with you.

I wanna be the one who makes you smile for all time, know that...I love seeing that adorable grin spread across your face.

Do you know what else I love about you?

Well, besides the obvious answer of 'everything'...

I love the fact that you'll give me your cucumbers...I love that you care just as much about animals as I do...and I love that you call me your baby every night.

I get through my days fairly easily, but you make it so much more worthwhile it seems...I look forward to hearing your beautiful voice each night because I know you're the only one who really sees me for me...and still likes me.

Everything about you is crazily amazing...and I wouldn't have it any other way. The distance thing? People might as well save their breath if they're going to try to talk me out of being with you...because you and I are inseparable.

It's true.

So here's to 23409823094823409823 more beautiful moments with you...may I be this completely happy for the rest of my days.


because_I_adore_you said...

aw well goodness we are inseparable..I know there's nothing about you I'm not completely and utterally, totally, in love with.

You make me smile..alll the time, and I know we have all those 1238127 moments too...I'm yours my darling

I love you...