Monday, January 21, 2008


I am in love with the sweetest boy in the world...

He's kind, gentle, caring...and he loves me...that is amazing to me!

Hearing his voice every night has become the one thing that I cannot live without...and he is the one person that I cannot be without, for he is a part of ever increasing part, it seems.

The days when I can hear his sweet voice telling me good morning begin so much brighter...the nights that he tells me he loves me before I sleep are so much sweeter...

Without him? No...there shall never be another day when I am not his anymore...we have promised that.

I love him more and more each day...and each day that I awake, the longing to see him grows ever greater...

I long to see his beautiful smile. I long to wrap my arms around him and stand together quietly for a long time and steal a perfect moment together. I long to speak to him about my love for him...and hear that he feels the same for me.

I long to see him.

But as for now, I know my love for him grows stronger and stronger with each passing day...and soon, the longing will be over...


because_I_adore_you said...


aw...darling, I share that every moment with you, that every moment just desiring so strongly to see watch over you as you sleep and care for you as you're awake

Soon enough darling, I know it'll be just you and me, past all our distance, for forever!!

I love you so much my beautiful katie