Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Things I love about you:

  • Your smile
  • Your laugh
  • Your voice
  • Your love for cherries
  • Kim Jong Il
  • Your uncanny ability to know just what presents will make me smile (ahem...Chia Pet)
  • Your love for others
  • Your love for God
  • Two words: Wally Wallafred
  • Coffee (heehee)
  • Your impeccable taste in movies
  • Your appreciation for the simple pleasures in life
  • Macaroni & cheese!
  • Sha nay nay
  • Sweet mercy!
  • Addison
  • Your pretty eyes
  • Steak & ketchup!
  • No music while you're sleeping
  • The fact that you always tell me that I'm beautiful
  • Socks. Off.
  • Holding hands
  • Phone conversations that no one else can compare to
  • Your adorable Joisey accent :]
  • Your love for your family

And that, my dear, is just scratching the surface.

There is one more general, all-encompassing addition to this list of things that I love, love, love...

But 17 days isn't seeming too terribly long, now is it?

Just know that it's true...such a true feeling has never been felt in my heart.

I, uh, banana you....with all my heart.


because_I_adore_you said...
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because_I_adore_you said...

:] :] :]

do you know you make me smile? alot? alot alot?

I.. coffee you darling, with absolutely everything I am, and I'd do absolutely anything, just to be able to hold you close and take care of you

I just can't wait to see you