Monday, January 7, 2008

.may we?.

I have never been happier to have slipped up on my words...because tonight, we broke the rules and told each other how we felt for the very first time.

We both know that beating around the bush isn't an elusive's more like a talent we mastered long ago.

But sometimes, I like giving it a rest...and pouring out my entire heart to you.

That's right...all of it...simply because it all belongs to you anyway.

Do you know how thoroughly you have captured this girl's heart? Truly, Missouri and New Jersey are so many miles apart, but my heart feels like it's lying right next to yours right now.

Nothing you could do would make me change my mind about how much I care for you. Everything about you is beautiful...your love for others, for God and for me.

And so much more, my are everything to me. Everything I've wanted, needed or hoped for...and so much more it seems. Each day, I am finding out more and more things about you that I love.

May we have an infinite amount of time to explore the hearts of each other to their fullest extent. May we always be able to turn to each other and let those three little words drop from our lips with the utmost sincerity. May I always be able to lie in your arms and kiss your lips.

May we always seek ardently after Him and devote our lives to His glory.

May we always be together.


because_I_adore_you said...
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because_I_adore_you said...

hearing those words from your lips tonight darling made me feel so very whole heart was just in the clouds..I adore you

And we may, and we will, for the rest of our lives, with everything