Wednesday, January 9, 2008

.always on my mind.

My love for you is so strong, my darling...nothing can compare to how I feel for you.

You are the first thought on my mind when I awake and the last thing that crosses my mind before I finally slip off into sleep...and I wouldn't have it any other way.

A day without talking to you seems empty and lifeless...but when I hear your voice again, awakening my emotions and my love, I cannot stifle just how happy I feel.

I've told you my cheeks hurt from smiling so much...and it's true. I guess this is what love feels like...

And I wouldn't have it any other way because, of course, you mean everything to me.

When I saw my beautiful lilies today, a thousand thoughts rushed through my head, and each and every one of them were filled with love for know me so well.

Sending me flowers all across the miles is wonderful, but something else is coming my way soon across the miles...and as lovely as those flowers were, I think this is a lot better.

It's you, of're coming to see me and I can't wait. Really...I can't. You're my everything and nine days can't pass by soon enough...but I will wait patiently.

Until I'm back in your arms again, I'll be counting down the days....


because_I_adore_you said...

aw, know that I'd do anything to make you smile, truly bring joy into your life... because that makes me happiest of all!

I love you so much heart is just always there right with yours, and I know that nothing will ever...evvvver, change that
