Tuesday, January 22, 2008

.i do love nothing so well as you.

The distance seemed greater today...

Not because you and I weren't as days find us growing more and more inseparable with each passing moment.

No, I just really felt those miles today, it seems...I wanted you here so badly to hold my hand and stroke my hair, and likewise, I wanted to be the one who whispers those three beautiful words into your ear.

Shakespeare put it best, it seems...

"I do love nothing in the world so well as you."

Because, really, there is nothing in this world that holds such an endearing charm for me as your smile...nothing that makes me want to bridge the physical distance between us so often...nothing that makes these eyes light up at the sound of your voice as well as you.

My dear, I do love nothing in the world so well as thoroughly as ardently as you. This much is for certain and quite unconditional it distance will ever sever me from your heart, I am positive.

If there's one thing I wish for you to know tonight, know that...

It'll be you and I, together for all long as you'll have me...and gosh, I pray you shall.

I love you, love you, love you!


because_I_adore_you said...

you know exactly what's going to make my heart jump..darling you are so very beautiful to me

Really I feel so very special to have someone who truly is as loving and so very beautiful in every way as you are..I love you so very much, my heart just longs to be with you every second, and gosh you know I'll have you...for the rest of my life, I want you to be the one who rests in my arms..