Sunday, December 30, 2007

.two separate lives have never been as beautifully intertwined as ours.

Oftentimes, I step outside into God's beautiful creation to enjoy what He has set before me in this part of the world that I am so blessed to have lived in for most of my life.

The beauty of today was undeniable...the soft afternoon light touched the trees in such a way that made me sigh in awe of how wonderfully splendid nature can be.

I sat there outside as the slight breeze gathered my hair around my shoulders and gently laid it to rest across them. I wished for you to be here with me.

I know that you would join me in an afternoon walk of the most wonderful type, one that involves not only deep, meaningful conversation...but also one that takes moments to stand together silently and just breathe it all in.

After all, I am a firm believer that nature is not always meant to be enjoyed in the confines of a solitary have someone there with you who appreciates it as much as you do is nothing short of a blessing.

So please...know that it is moments like these that make me miss you the most, moments like these that make your absence all the more acute. I may be one voice, singing alone tonight about the depth of my care for you, but soon, I know you shall be here, joining in on my melody that I sing.

But even in my loneliness and solitude, I know that through the thousand miles that separate us, our hearts still lie close together tonight, melding and meshing into one in perfect harmony.

And I see your sweet face again, to cup your chin in my hand and to tell you how I really feel...I think you know it, but hearing it will be all the more sweeter, don't you agree?


because_I_adore_you said...
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because_I_adore_you said...

well you know, you know know know, I would love to see that, especially if it were with you! Soon, really soon! We'll be able too! And I know I just can't wait for that myyy darling
