Monday, December 24, 2007

.tis the season to tell someone how you feel.

When I awoke this morning, the sun was streaming in my window and dancing across my face.

I blinked my eyes and cuddled closer to my blankets, silently missing you more than ever before, it seems.

Each day that passes brings a new level of trust and companionship with you, but it also sees the increase in the intensity with which I miss you.

I lay in bed for a few moments longer, staring at my ceiling and wondering about you and really just wondering how I got so lucky.

Last night was very special to me...for some reason, it really just made me feel so close to you. All our talks are to be cherished, but there was something about last night that made the longing to be by your side nearly unbearable...

It's Christmas Eve...and that means a large dinner and an even larger amount of company. In the midst of all the laughter and fellowship, I will feel at peace because I will be holding steadily onto your heart. I know that the entire night will be filled with my wishing that you would be my Christmas present because, truly, you would be a far better gift than anything currently residing under our tree. :]

You seem to be the touchstone of my days and a constant reminder to slow down and remember. You always remind me to remember how this beautifully crafted relationship would never have been possible if not for Him.

Only half a month has already taught me the difference between the emoticons you use, the zip code for New Jersey and how closely a Chia Pet can bond me to another.

Well, it's not just the Chia Pet.

It's you. All of you.


because_I_adore_you said...

That conversation was so so special to me too, and yes it was unbearable to not be able to hold you or tell you in person how limitless my care is for you.

Know that my heart is yours and however long it takes I'm going to be there for you...

I miss you dearly...truly I am so so so blessed to have someone as absolutely wonderful as you are to call my own. :]