Friday, December 28, 2007


Your voice holds so much within it, my dear.

With each word you speak to me, I feel more and more at peace because I know that I am with you.

No, not physically...but truly, my heart draws nearer and nearer to yours.

Though this connection we have each night is a far cry from what we hope/wish/dream of, I know that I feel closer and closer to you each time you call me your darling.

So much weight is carried in the inflections of your voice, and the adorable little ways that you go about saying certain words resonate within my heart each night because I grow more and more attached to that voice.

I know that, in a wide crowd of people, if I heard your voice calling my name, I would stop in my tracks and search you out...that is how important hearing you is to me.

So, each night, when I'm lying downstairs in my darkened basement, awaiting your call, I eagerly anticipate the moment when I shall hear your voice again as I tuck you close to my ear and listen to the sweet tones of you.

With each laugh, every shared moment and all the tones of endearment that find their way across the spiraling phone lines and into our awaiting ears, I shall grow closer and closer to you.

I know that when I come to find you at the airport in 21 days, I will literally just stop and listen to your voice...because, when I have all of you in front of me, it will be good to remember just how important that one part of you is to me when you're not here.

Please never stop letting me listen to you, my darling...I would be content with hearing you, and only you, for the rest of my life.


because_I_adore_you said...
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because_I_adore_you said...

oh, you know, I love love love to hear your absolutely adorable voice...annd it's become so very close to me
I know its something I'll care for, for absolutely, I miss you!!