Saturday, December 8, 2007

It's beautiful.

It's strange how, when I touched your hand for the first time, it wasn't so much a jolt of triumph as that feeling of coming home for the first time in quite awhile.

Don't get me wrong...I was so happy. So happy.

But it was more than that. It was like all the loose ends had been tied up, all the puzzle pieces placed perfectly and all the questions answered.

I was complete in that moment when your thumb caressed my knuckles and I knew that we were supposed to be in this rainy city at this time together.

It felt so good to be with you. I know that God put a smile on our faces that day because He wanted us there. He was so present in this entire situation that even the most skeptical cynics couldn't deny the overwhelming notion that this relationship was meant to be.

I usually avoid using cliches, but that's what we are...meant to be.

Even in my deepest desires and needs, I don't think I even brushed my fingertips with the notion of someone as perfectly wonderful as you. This is so beautifully different that it's unreal.

Our heads aren't meant to comprehend what's intended for the heart...and you, oh, you are solidifying this notion.

I'll never be able to wrap my mind around how insanely perfect this God-crafted relationship will be. You are beautiful in every aspect to me, and I am counting the seconds until I can be in your arms again...

Still, without your physical embrace, I know you will be with me during every sunset and every glimpse of beauty in nature that I happen to see. You find beauty in places I do, and I take such comfort in that.

Hours upon hours could be spent with you, probing the depths of our hearts and seeking after the Truth that He offers...I plan on spending much more than mere hours with you though.

I'm looking for the Master's plan now...and while I would never claim to know the ways of an all-powerful God, I think I can see where this is least, I hope it's headed here.

The euphoria of this union won't wear away for me. This is so different. So brilliant.

It's beautiful.