Monday, February 4, 2008


Beautiful weather always evokes a kind of nostalgic feeling in me.

Usually, I long for some balmy days far off in my past, spent running around with the youthful vigor that seems to be elusive to me lately.

But today, goodness...I longed for you to be there with me, holding my hand and walking slowly together as we soaked in every bit of that glorious sun.

It's quite unusual really...not the fact that I thought about you and wished you here, but because of the circumstances.

You see, we met on a cold, rainy day. You would think the dreariest of days would remind me of you.

But that could not be further from the truth.

Truly, the sunniest, most beautiful days that God has in store for us remind me of you. The rain reminds me of you. The wind, the snow, the storms...every day reminds me of you.

And each day does not bring a fluctuating affection for you...unlike the weather, I stay constant in my adoration of you.

Here in Missouri, it can snow blankets upon blankets one day and be followed by the warmest of days after.

Here in my heart, the atmosphere is always the same. The changing weather may envelop me as I walk from place to place, but it shall not affect the depths of my heart...

Because truly, my heart is totally filled with you.

I love you...always.


because_I_adore_you said...


Sweetheart may it be that every single day for the rest of our lives can be spent with our hearts as one anothers, I couldn't ask for anything else

I love you so very absolutely beautiful katie