Wednesday, February 20, 2008

.can you feel it?.

Can you feel it?

This separation felt so much more difficult today...could you feel it in the air?

I did...

I run around all day with purpose in my strides, but I feel like it's a purpose, my motivation lies in Virginia and the only way I can feel complete is if I am by your side.

Though I hold you so very closely in my heart, I wish to hold you in my arms as well. Nothing can sever this love we have, but oh, to be with would be pure bliss.

Just the mere notion that it could happen very soon and in a more permanent way is enough to give me hope.

My love transcends the distance...always know that. How sweet it would be to be in your physical presence, but take comfort in the fact that my love knows no bounds, no distance.

Through my craziest days, my most overwhelming moments, I feel your quiet presence surrounding me, reminding me that I am loved. I feel the brush of your hand, the whisper of your care and the feel of your heart beating with mine.

I am far, far away from you right now. I wish to be near to you, but this wait is the sweetest I have ever known...for I know that the ultimate prize of you is one that is so worth the wait.

I love you, I love you, I love you...that much is for certain, for always.


Unknown said...


well gosh, since day one we have been so perfectly tucked away in His hands, whenever He chooses our separation to end is going to be an absolutely beautiful moment..cause it'll be for forever forever

I love you!!