Sunday, February 3, 2008


The days seem to be alternately flying by and dragging by...

Some days go very quickly, and at the end, I find myself shocked and pleased that I am one day closer to you.

Other days, every minute seems like an eternity, because I wish to be by your side so much that each moment apart from you is harder than the last.

Tonight, now that I'm at the end of this day, I sigh with relief because I know that I will wake up tomorrow with the knowledge that only two full days separate me from you.

It's so close I can feel the anticipation building up...and I know that first meeting in the airport will be everything I imagined and hoped it to be.

Just feeling your warm embrace again for the first time in almost two months will be beautiful...and that's only scratching the surface of the amazing time we're going to spend together.

Day[s!] spent just talking, laughing, exploring...together...will be so wonderful. I know that those days will go all too fast for my taste, but even an hour with you would be so worth it.

I miss you very much, my Charles, and I know that each minute that passes brings me closer to you...but no amount of time could possibly render these two hearts closer than they already are.

I sure do love you.


because_I_adore_you said...

I sure do love you too, sweetie

There could be no better moment in my life then to just hug you again, and be with you

We're close, we're oh so close

I love you!