Saturday, February 16, 2008

.thoughts on a day spent missing you.

The winding road today led me everywhere but near to you, it seemed.

Curving and undulating across the vast Missouri plains, I felt that each mile that led me further east toward your loving face pushed me closer and closer to just leaving it all behind and driving the rest of those 700 miles.

The golden touch of the fading sun caused the shadows of clouds to race across the hills and bluffs, and I wished to run with them, straight into your open arms.

I know that as the seasons turn and mature, I will always be wanting to run.

Run right back into your heart, your arms, your envelopes me, consumes me, breathes life into me.

Your love is a treasure beyond comparison. To me, you are the most beautiful and most loving. You embody everything I have ever hoped, wished and prayed for.

I gazed at the empty fields today as I hurtled the broken stalks of corn bowing their heads deep into the shaded earth. They seemed to be burrowing their heads to get away from the light, the shadows, the reality of life.

I wish to escape reality too...but no, I do not want to burrow and hide. I want to be with you, escape with you.

I feel like a mere husk of myself, simply subsisting on your dulcet tones that I hear each night, pouring their love out to me. I am not broken physically, but my heart feels torn without you here.

Soon, I will not bow down toward the ground any longer because you will be there with me, holding me upright. Your loving arms will encircle me, pulling me up to take in the sunshine with you.

Our faces will be tilted sweetly toward the heavens, and we will thank Him once again for bringing us close together.


because_I_adore_you said...


Sweetheart when we wind up together again, we'll be there in all that sunshine of a beautiful love..really!

I feel lost without you, but knowing I will soon have you have once more keeps my heart patient for that wonderful and beautiful person you are..

I miss you with all that I am..yet by that same token, I know that soon we'll put all this distance behind us and for good

I can't wait! :]