Wednesday, February 27, 2008

.stargazing with you.

You are the only song I want to sing...did you know that?

There is no one else for me one else for me one else for me for all the rest of my days.

The dreariness of my existence before you was not apparent until you stumbled ever so beautifully into my mediocre days are nothing compared to those fleeting moments when I am captured by your arms and your love.

The same night sky is spread across both of us tonight.

We can gaze heavenwards and see the same winking stars, speaking of the continuity that binds all of us together as one common spectator of something so marvelously beautiful.

I know that I can trace my finger across the constellations and make pictures on my own...but I want you to see them too. I want to be able to grasp your hand, lift it toward the sky and paint a picture with your fingers as they trace out shapes that aren't charted in any astronomy book.

We will make our own paths, our own pictures, our own life together...I know this to be true. This common sky, this common bond, this common love...they all draw us close together as one person with one beating heart, it seems.

Tonight, I want to lay in the dewy leaves of grass with my palms facing to the galaxies spread above me and just marvel...but only if you will lie with me and find those elusive shapes in the stars that I know are out there, waiting to be uncovered by inquiring minds such as ours.

The moisture will soak through the thin cotton of my shirt and seep into every pore of my body, letting me breathe in the damp relief and giving me that sharp prick of life once again on my skin. Our hands will find each other and intertwine so beautifully and so perfectly because, after all, my fingers lace together with yours so well.

We will just lay there without saying many words and know that we are complete in that moment when we fix our eyes to the heaven and hold each other's hands and hearts close for all time.


because_I_adore_you said...

:] For all time!

Just you and me, and the stars, and all the time in the world...sounds so very beautiful to me darling

And of course, it's already assured that we'll have so much time to watch the days and the nights pass us by -- as we watch them together, tracing all the beauty we see with our fingers...fooorever and ever


hey..I love you!!