Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Focusing is increasingly hard without your constant hand to hold on to.

Without your strong grip encasing my sometimes feeble hand, I feel lost, desolate, confused...that is, until I hear that wonderful voice pouring across the distance and seeping into my very being, making me feel so very alive once again.

Without you, the spark in my eyes flickers and goes out quietly, ever more with each passing day. When you come to me again so swiftly and lovingly, the flames begin again, rushing out of my very fingertips with the heat emanating from my very core.

This love that drips ever so softly from my eyes from time to time is only for you. This love that always cascades from my lips when I speak of you is only for you. This love that hides behind my closed eyes at is only for you.

This beautiful, bold, unpredictable love sleeps inside me throughout the day, always winding its way around my heart and infusing itself in my very breath. I breathe in your love with each gasp of these lonesome lungs, and I know that soon you will constantly be by my side, singing over me and filling this tired heart with overflowing joy.

I will rush to you with the wind and water tonight...I will lie by your side, constantly reminding you of how much I feel. Do you feel? Do you feel it with you now as you read these words that stretch across the miles to sit beside you in the depths of the night? I am hurtling across the miles, swifter than the light that tries to catch me in the black of night and soon, I will be huddled in your warm embrace once again, if only in spirit tonight.

I will fall asleep with you tonight and rest easy in the arms that I know so well. I will trace figures across your beautiful face as you fall into the depths of a dream and watch the sleep parade across your features.

I will be with you tonight because this love we have transcends all distance.


because_I_adore_you said...

:] :]

Gosh..i sure can feel it! I can always, always, feel your love darling. It's just one more thing about you that I've fallen so deeply in love with..

I love you!