Monday, March 3, 2008


When you are tired, please lay your head next to mine and rest.
When you feel overwhelmed, please escape into my love and feel at peace.
When you are weary, rest in my arms and let me hold you until you don't worry anymore.

When I see that you are consistently running from one place to the other, trying to get everything done, I just want to remind you that I will always be constant, no matter how tumultuous the rest of your day is.

I always want to hear your voice, always want to be the one to tell you that I love you. God is our peace, our strength and our comfort, but I strive to be another source of comfort that can be near to you as possible, even with this distance separating us.

You want such beautiful things in life...and your goals are so very admirable. It's part of the reason that I am so certain that you are the man I want to marry. You aspire to be a wonderful father and husband, and you know that there are certain areas that you don't compromise on when it comes down to it.

I want to take care of you as you wish to take care of me. I want to be your constant, your rock, the other hand that is always reaching out.

You fulfill every quality that I have ever hoped or dreamed for in a man, and I intend to stay with you for all time, if you'll have me. I was first intrigued by your wit, your charm and your adorable smile, but it is your heart that I have fallen so deeply in love with. You love me with a capacity that I thought impossible, and I know that nothing in this world would make me as happy as to have you by my side for all time...together, we will serve God and live for Him each day as we continue to grow in love and in harmony.


because_I_adore_you said...

:] :]

Gosh..this post made me so so very happy when I read it this morning are the sweetest most wonderful thing to ever come into my life, and I love you with all my heart!!