Sunday, March 9, 2008

.here's to the future.

My future is so utterly beautiful now that you're in my you know that?

You make my days have so much more purpose, so much more reasoning behind them...all because your love is singing over me with each step I take, each breath I breathe.

I can almost taste what it will feel like to be yours forever because I know that we will be united as one before the next three years have passed. I can nearly hear those words that we will say at the altar, nearly feel the press of your hand against mine as we leave the church as a permanent couple, nearly see the future that we are already so lovingly planning...

Every sound that comes from you is precious to me, so why would I ever want to stop listening to you? The next natural progression in our relationship is to solidify this bond that we already have in the eyes of the world, to be promised to each other forever...

And truly, I cannot wait for the day that I can proudly call myself the betrothed to someone as wonderful as you...I will be even more blessed than I already am, if that's possible.

It's just the waiting part now...I know that you love me as much as I love you. Soon, we will put a permanent stamp on that love and sail through our days knowing that we will soon be joined together forever.


because_I_adore_you said...

Soon, soon...soon!! :]

May you sail through these days as we are apart sweetheart -- know that every bit of my love crosses every mile..and soon before you know it, when are are married and our love is known to everyone else as well, our love will finally be as close as its meant to be


Hey..I love you!!