Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Please explain to me how anyone could not see the sun-dappled beauty in today.

There is something to be said in quietly observing the actions and nuances of others; I find it is quite like a porthole into their lives and their vision.

As I paced across campus today, my feet pounding the familiar grain of the concrete, I noticed that no one was looking up at the glorious sky like I am so apt to do.

The sky is a palette of beauty and the panoramic view, oh, it could never be captured through human attempts. The hints of gray at the horizon were in bold contrast with the dark lines of the bare trees today, and though winter is slated as the season of dying, I thought it beautiful.

Walking with my neck craned skyward makes me prone to stumbling, but a mere sidestep is worth it.

At times, I feel like clasping my hands toward the sky in a feeble attempt to capture the moment, but, though I cannot, I rest assured that tomorrow will bring a scenery just as spectacular.

Students were staring into a cell phone, the eyes of another, or at their feet as they walked to class.


No, I was staring at the sky again.

Won't you come and join me? See His beauty and talk with me for hours about how marvelous this creation is? Will you sit beside me and caress the fold between my thumb just how I like it and really, really listen to me?

Most importantly, will you look toward the sky with me?

Will you?