Thursday, October 25, 2007

Religious fanatics scare me

Class was long today, but after extracting myself from the world of geology, I was met with the slap of cold air on my face and the sounds of an older man yelling...about going to hell?

My interest piqued, I joined the growing crowd of students that were pushing closer to the grey-haired man in a houndstooth suit that held up a sign that proudly listed all of the people who were going to hell:
Rock n' Rollers

A red-head in a tie-dyed shirt puffed on her cigarette as she asked the man why people who listen to rock and roll were going to hell. He began quoting from Matthew (a verse that really didn't answer her questions) and the translation he used further alienated her, as it was filled with high filuten words that only those raised in the church really understand.

He kept proclaiming that we must "repent" and be saved from "the flames of hell."

He had hit on the single most effective way to alienate and frustrate a campus of college students who partake in many of these hell-bound actions and further perpetuated the stereotype of the fanatical Christian who judges all others.

A girl with short dark hair and three piercings pushed her way to the front of the crowd and began asking him why he was being so judgemental.
He peered down his thick glasses and stared at the tattoo adorning her forearm and began to berate her piercings and her "body modifications."

Astonished, she began yelling, asking him why he thought "he was God" and who was he to judge her?

Laughing, he merely asked, "You thought I was God? I am just NOBODY talking about SOMEBODY who has died for your sins! HALLELUJAH!"

Various people began yelling at him, but their comments slid right off his back. It was clear he came here to be persecuted and to stir up trouble so that he could go home at the end of the day, relax on his couch and think to himself, "I have done good today. I was persecuted in the name of Christ and met with adversity today, but I preached the word, and though I suffered, surely God looks up on me with favor."

God is love. There is freedom in Christ.

I only have one question for him. Is that your definition of Christ's love?