Tuesday, April 1, 2008

.pieces of you.

There's a red envelope that I keep by my desk that has my name written in your handwriting...I know it contains sweet words from you.

There's a cute figurine of a pig in a blanket that sits quaintly nearby.

There's a silver picture frame with your handsome smile beaming out towards me, always making me smile.

A duct tape ring, a New Jersey license plate...yes, you seem to have permeated my life in the best way possible, and all those vestiges of you make me so very happy to look at.

Hearing your voice every morning, every night...I love our routine and I can't remember what life was like before we fell into this beautiful habit. Every sweet reminder belongs in this room, just as you belong in my life...truly, you do!

I would not have it any other way, my love. Please do not stop leaving bits and pieces of you behind each time you come to stay for awhile. Never break our wonderful habit of always trying to keep in contact. Never, ever stop being the way you are...

I love you so, so are the light in my soul, truly. I can't imagine going on without you.
I love, love, love you!